Upscaling innovative ‘planting-baskets’ to restore landscape diversity and enhance climate-resilient livelihoods
Active Project
Duncan Macqueen directs IIED’s work on forests. His work focuses on:
Over the last 30-plus years Duncan has been a conceptual pioneer in the design and implementation of programmes to sustain climate-resilient and locally-controlled forest and farm businesses.
Impacts have included:
He helped to set up and manage international alliances such as the Forest Connect alliance and multi-donor funding facilities such as the Forest and Farm Facility (FFF) together with partners from FAO, IUCN and Agricord.
Forest business incubation approaches for locally controlled forest enterprises; access to finance for such enterprises; risk self-assessment processes; forests and climate action; governance tactics and approaches for improving locally controlled forestry; innovations in forest ethics.
Complex organisational structures and connections that optimise the way social, natural and entrepreneurial forces shape beneficial outcomes for both forests and people. Duncan works in diverse, creative, solidarity with the many local groups that articulate their own hopes for prosperity, design climate-resilient enterprise models to pursue those hopes, and stand together to shape good forest governance.