Alexandre Frediani

Principal researcher, Human Settlements

Alexandre Apsan Frediani's picture
Telephone: +44 (0)20 3463 7399
Languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish

Alexandre co-convenes IIED’s work on housing justice. He specialises on issues around human development in cities of the global South.

His work explores the role of housing policy and practice in advancing sustainable and equitable development pathways, particularly in the context of the Majority World.


Through partnerships with grassroots, NGOs, government and multilateral organisations, Alexandre is particularly interested in promoting the advancement of community-led and participatory approaches to knowledge and responses to current global housing crisis.

Alexandre is an advisor to Architecture Sans Frontières UK, a fellow of the Human Development and Capability Association, and part of the boards of Habitat International Coalition and the Sierra Leone Urban Research Centre.


Housing policy and practice; urban planning; human development; social mobilisation; and poverty.

Before IIED

Associate professor at the Bartlett Development Planning Unit, University College London.


  • PhD, planning, Oxford Brookes University
  • BSc, development studies and journalism, University of Central Lancashire

Current work

Alexandre is working in several housing-related projects which include:

Furthermore, Alexandre has been exploring the role of Majority World’s philanthropies in advancing sustainable development. This line of work included participating in the G20  Brasil 2024 process by co-chairing the working group on Philanthropies and Sustainable Development of Civil 20 engagement group.