Collective, non-speculative housing to realise adequate housing for all

Reports/papers (non-specific)
, 4 pages
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Published: December 2024
Product code:22598G

This paper was prepared as an informal background briefing for the first session of the Open-ended Intergovernmental Expert Working Group on Adequate Housing for All of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, hosted by UN-Habitat in Nairobi, Kenya from 9–11 December 2024.

The paper calls for Member States to develop a roadmap to support collective, non-speculative forms of housing and tenure systems as key mechanisms to implement the 2023 UN-Habitat Assembly resolutions on ‘Adequate housing for all’ (HSP/HA.2/Res.7) and ‘Accelerating the transformation of informal settlements and slums by 2030’ (HSP/HA.2/Res.2).

Cite this publication

Sevilla Núñez, P., Rodrigues, E., Frediani, A. and Ppaamanousakis, Y. (2024). Collective, non-speculative housing to realise adequate housing for all. União dos Movimentos de Moradia, São Paulo; IIED, London; World Habitat, Leicester.
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