Camila Cociña

Senior researcher (housing justice), Human Settlements research group

Camila Cociña is a development planner and architect who co-convenes IIED’s work on housing justice.

Camila's work focuses on:

  • Enhancing the capabilities and mobilisation of grassroots groups, working with organised communities to advance housing rights
  • Influencing policy and practice and the wider governance systems that support the realisation of housing rights, and
  • Forging international alliances and advocacy strategies for housing justice, seeking to consolidate and strengthen collective efforts and solidarity networks.

She has worked on collaborative projects with researchers, communities, international agencies and public organisations in Latin America, West Africa and Southeast Asia, seeking fairer ways of mobilising diverse knowledge from a social justice perspective.


Housing justice, with emphasis on urban equality and gender. Camila's housing work relates mainly to informality, participation and local governments.

Before IIED

  • Research fellow, Knowledge in Action for Urban Equality (KNOW) programme, University College London
  • Teaching fellow, the Bartlett Development Planning Unit, University College London


  • PhD, development planning, University College London
  • MSc, building and urban design in development, University College London
  • Architect, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Current work

Camila co-convenes IIED’s work on housing justice, working across several projects. These include:

Camila is currently developing a series of projects around monitoring and preventing forced evictions, including the co-convening of a network of human rights and evictions in Chile, where she is based.