PLA66: Tools for supporting sustainable natural resource management and livelihoods
01 September 2013
Participatory approaches, editorial, participatory writeshops, gender.
Participatory work with smallholder farmers in East Africa.
Wrote and edited Masters courses in agricultural development for Wye College, University of London External Programme.
Disseminating research findings from the DFID-funded renewable natural resources research programmes.
BA (Hons) Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Oxford; MSc Agricultural Development, London.
Co-Editor of Participatory Learning and Action (PLA), the world's leading informal journal on participatory approaches and methods, aimed at practitioners, researchers, academics and activists. All articles are peer-reviewed by an international editorial board. Published twice a year. Free to readers in the Global South and available free online.
This year Angela has worked on two very successful special issues, which capture recent experiences with rapidly developing new approaches:
PLA 60: Community-based adaption to climate change
PLA 61: Tales of shit: Community-led total sanitation in Africa
PLA is currently experimenting with participatory writeshops as a way of supporting practitioners from the South to contribute to the series. These writeshops help to build capacity to write in a supportive environment and create shared ownership of a publication. See link below.