PLA66: Tools for supporting sustainable natural resource management and livelihoods

This 66th issue of Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) includes general articles on participatory approaches to development submitted by readers and explores the links between participation, sustainable natural resource management and improving livelihoods, including:
• How a participatory three-dimensional modelling project in the Solomon Islands has generated multiple benefits, including ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change.
• How a modified form of scoring, used within a livelihoods framework, revealed how famine was averted in Southern Africa.
• How community-led action in India is improving animal health and work practices.
• How digital mapping is helping to identify and plan around key natural resources with pastoralists in Kenya and Tanzania.
• How a blend of PLA methods and ethnographic approaches proved invaluable in conducting HIV/AIDS research with fishing communities in Uganda.
• How a former bonded-labour group in Nepal have campaigned to uphold their rights of access, use and control of community forests.
• How an evaluation of a drought-rehabilitation project in Niger combined qualitative participatory and quantitative gendered budget analysis.
The issue also includes a selection of other articles, including how urban community groups in Chile have opposed two urban redevelopment projects; the use of participatory impact assessment tools to define, measure, monitor, review and analyse progress; and a discussion of ethical issues and standards for participatory work.
There are also reflections from members of the international Resource Centres for Participatory Learning and Action (RCPLA) network, a foreword from IIED’s Camilla Toulmin and reflections from Robert Chambers of the Institute of Development Studies (IDS).
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