PLA 56: Participatory Learning and Action, General Issue

Journal (whole)
, 72 pages
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Published: June 2007
ISBN: 9781843696650
Product code:14540IIED

This issue of Participatory Learning and Action contains a range of articles of general interest to participatory practitioners, including:

An article setting out the sequential steps for empowering rural communities for local development’.

An article about the evolution of a participatory monitoring and evaluation process in Bangalore, India, and the learning that took place

A description of a participatory approach to public accountability that is being used by communities in Ghana, with support from a network of NGOs.

A paper outlining how discusses how two methods – participatory video and Most Significant Change – can be combined in a monitoring and evaluation .

An article about describe a participatory systematisation process developed for a group of NGOs working to strengthen food and nutritional security in the Latin America and Caribbean region

A paper describing the 'wholistic worldview analysis' tool which has been used successfully to help a community, analyse its needs and identify its vulnerabilities

Our final article describes how children became researchers in a study of children’s mobility and transport issues in Karnataka, India.

The Tips for Trainers paper describes the action learning of capacity building in systemisation methodologies. The issue also includes the regular In Touch section.

Cite this publication

Ashley, H., Kenton, N. and Milligan, A. (2007). PLA 56: Participatory Learning and Action, General Issue. .
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