PLA 56: General issue
This issue of Participatory Learning and Action contains a range of articles of general interest to participatory practitioners.
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June 2007
Themes covered in this edition include: sequential steps for empowering rural communities for local development; participatory monitoring and evaluation in Bangalore; participatory approaches to public accountability in Ghana; using participatory video for monitoring and evaluation; participatory systemisation; wholistic worldview analysis; and children's participation in governance and decision making.
Tips for trainers describes the action learning of capacity building in systemisation methodologies. The issue also includes the regular In Touch section.
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Follow the links below to download the whole issue or individual articles in pdf format.
Sequential steps for empowering community organisations for local development
Anil C Shah
Moving forwards with participatory monitoring and evaluation
Karen Hillyer and Simone Purohit
Holding service providers to account: community scorecards and district-level forums
Clement A. Akasoba and Lance W. Robinson
The Most Significant Change: using participatory video for monitoring and evaluation
Chris Lunch
From participatory systematisation to a regional network for policy change
Frances Hansford, Virginia Araújo Lima Santana, and Gérman Hilares Reinoso
Wholistic worldview analysis: understanding community realities
Ravi Jayakaran
Children in the driver’s seat
P.J. Lolichen with Anuradha Shetty, Jyoti Shenoy and Christie Nash
Tips for Trainers: Reflective action-learning: building capacity in systematisation methodologies
Frances Hansford and Manuel Llanos