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A programme of work involving research, capacity development, policy advisory and advocacy initiatives that advance housing justice through local and global partnerships
28 publications
Roughly 2.8 billion people globally experience some form of housing inadequacy, 1.1 billion of whom are living in informal settlements. This global housing crisis drives poverty, inequality and unsustainable development. So addressing housing injustices is fundamental in the efforts to respond to the world’s entrenched climate, nature and inequality crises.
IIED’s portfolio of initiatives on housing justice is dedicated to supporting collective efforts that respond to these crises. We collaborate with grassroots organisations and networks, policymakers and advocates to create more equitable and inclusive housing systems.
We draw on IIED's extensive experience in housing research and advocacy to develop innovative solutions that address the needs of the world’s majority. Our work is guided by a commitment to promoting anti-discriminatory, democratic, sustainable and caring housing futures.
The housing justice work contributes to advance IIED’s manifesto by forging alliances, generating impactful knowledge and building capabilities to achieve systemic change.
Contact: Alexandre Apsan Frediani ([email protected]), principal researcher, Human Settlements