2014 annual report: online and in print
The 48-page 2013/14 Annual Report of the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) is now available – and can also be accessed online via www.ar2014iied.org.

For the first time, IIED has produced a bespoke online annual report (Photo: IIED/We are Tangerine)
It is the first time the institute has produced a bespoke online version of this key publication, containing a host of videos and interactive elements within a snapshot of IIED’s areas of work over the past few years. We hope that by producing an online version, information about our activities will be available to a wider audience.
Governments, NGOs, businesses, communities and individuals alike all help to shape equity, sustainability and social justice. But a mix of power differentials, vested interests and entrenched positions creates huge gaps between rich and poor, policy and practice, ideas and action, and investment and impact.
IIED gathers the evidence and makes the connections needed to bridge the key divides across the environment-development landscape.
The Annual Report, titled Building bridges for sustainable development, explores some of our work during 2013/14, showing how we collaborate with partners to get local voices heard in regional, national and international decision-making arenas, and bring people from different cultures and sectors to share perspectives and experience.
In addition to a video introduction from Director Camilla Toulmin, there is an assessment of the institute’s successes over the past five years, plus a look ahead to IIED’s plans and ambitions for the next half-decade.
The online Annual Report includes filmed interviews with staff showing how the work of IIED and its partners is helping to ensure that policy on the world’s pressing issues reflects the priorities of poorer communities, and users can navigate to find key information about the institute and read stories about some of our programmes and projects.
To reach the widest possible audience we have ensured that the 2013/14 online Annual Report can be easily viewed on a range of browsers and devices, including mobile and tablet devices.
We also welcome your feedback, from your thoughts on the online version to views on the report and IIED’s work. Details of how to give feedback can be found at the end of the online version, or we invite you to complete our contact form.
IIED partners are central to the way we work, and key to our work having impact. With our partners — rooted in communities, local organisations, and specialists in their field — we can make the connection between what people experience in their daily lives and the policies being formulated at the national, regional and international level.
Our partners who appear in the 2014 annual report are listed below, but of course there are many others not mentioned; we extend our thanks to all of them for working with us to make change possible.
- Jane Goodall Institute, Uganda
- Network for Environment and Sustainable Development, Cameroon
- Zimbabwean Federation of the Urban Poor, Zimbabwe
- Dialogue on Shelter for the Homeless in Zimbabwe Trust, Zimbabwe
- The Gambian Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Water Resources, Parks and Wildlife, The Gambia
- Muungano wa Wanavijiji, Kenya
- Ghana Homeless People Federation, Ghana
- Kenya Forestry Research Institute, Kenya
- RuralNet Associates, Zambia
- Association Malienne d'Eveil au Développement Durable (AMEDD), Mali (French language)
- Groupe d'Etudes et de Recherche en Sociologie et Droit Appliqué (GERSDA), Mali
- Land Resource Management Centre, Ghana
- Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN)
- Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy (CCAP), China
- Lok Chetna Manch, India
- Chinese Academy of Forestry and the Global Environmental Institute, China
- Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies, Bangladesh
- Independent University, Bangladesh, Bangladesh
- ICCD-Internews Beijing, China
- Yi De Vision, China
Latin America
- Asociacion ANDES, Peru
- Slum/Shack Dwellers International
- Climate Analytics, Germany
- Bartlett Development Planning Unit, University College London, United Kingdom
- UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
- International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
- World Bank
- Green Economy Coalition
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia
- Landesa, United States