Climate change vulnerability assessments in Indonesia: Where are the women’s perspectives?

Indonesian cities are increasingly invested in efforts to build urban resilience, and finding means of resisting, absorbing and recovering from climate change hazards. Despite growing evidence that women, especially in poorer populations, suffer disproportionately from climate change hazards, there are inadequate data and methods for prioritising women’s perspectives in city-level resiliency initiatives.
The Indonesian NGO Kota Kita analysed its United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)-based methodology for climate change vulnerability assessments (CCVAs) by conducting research in three key areas: ~- How its CCVA process can better assess women’s climate vulnerability for urban planning efforts;~- The importance of using a gender lens for resiliency planning; and~- Making observations on several key gender-focused resiliency efforts in Indonesia.
The study found that women’s perspectives were lacking in city-level resiliency planning due to low female participation in CCVAs and a lack of municipal gender-disaggregated data.
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