Developing city resilience strategies: lessons from ICLEI and ACCCRN

Asian cities are on the frontline of climate change. A third of all low-elevation coastal zones in the world are located in Asia, where two-thirds of the world’s urban population reside. A number of Asian cities have been involved in climate change adaptation and resilience-building initiatives, focusing on the capacity of local governments to assess vulnerabilities and implement effective mitigation strategies. One such initiative is the Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN). In 2008, it began a process of understanding vulnerability and developing and implementing resilience strategies in 10 cities across South and Southeast Asia. In 2012, with ICLEI’s involvement, the process was extended to a further 46 cities, to improve their capacity to plan, finance and take action to promote urban resilience, us ing city resilience strategies (CRS). Based on a sample of 15 city resilience strategies from India, Bangladesh, Indonesia and the Philippines, this briefing presents the key lessons.
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