Rainwater harvesting in vulnerable homes in Santo Domingo’s colonial centre Article, 14 February 2024
Beyond the city’s borders: water and sanitation access for refugees in Mafraq Insight, 28 September 2023
Indigenous Peoples call for recognition of vital role in protecting mountain water towers News, 16 June 2023
An unexpected cooperative project to lighten women's pandemic clothes-washing burden Insight, 01 August 2022
How small changes can make a big impact in achieving sustainable sanitation Insight, 09 December 2020
Building Climate Resilience to Noapara Town: A Coastal Urban Centre of Bangladesh Publication, 01 May 2016
Groundwater, self-supply and poor urban dwellers: A review with case studies of Bangalore and Lusaka Publication, 01 November 2010
A note for trainers, facilitators and those commissioning CLTS training (PLA 61) Publication, 01 November 2010
Improving Urban Water and Sanitation provision Globally: through information and action driven locally Publication, 01 January 2008
Making the right to water a reality: tackling barriers to access and equity Publication, 01 June 2013
Water and sanitation; what will deliver the improvements required for urban areas? Publication, 01 October 2003
Walking down the forbidden lane: 'shit talk' promotes sanitation (PLA 61) Publication, 01 November 2010