Analyzing trade-offs in land use decision making using AHP–insights from a Zambian case study 28 February 2022
Guiding questions for interview preparation and interviews using AHP: an example from the Sentinel project 28 February 2022
Insight Civil society perspectives on the living income differential for cocoa producers Emma Blackmore and Thierry Berger 23 August 2021
Insight What role do local governance frameworks play in strengthening women’s voices in land governance? Philippine Sutz 08 March 2021
Supporting smallholders’ decision making: managing trade-offs and synergies for sustainable agricultural intensification 01 July 2020
Analyzing trade-offs in land use decision making using AHP–insights from a Zambian case study Publication, 28 February 2022
Guiding questions for interview preparation and interviews using AHP: an example from the Sentinel project Publication, 28 February 2022
Civil society perspectives on the living income differential for cocoa producers Insight, 23 August 2021
What role do local governance frameworks play in strengthening women’s voices in land governance? Insight, 08 March 2021
Conservation versus food production in Africa: better managing trade-offs Publication, 01 December 2019
Supporting smallholders’ decision making: managing trade-offs and synergies for sustainable agricultural intensification Publication, 01 July 2020
Land tool development in Ghana: building on local aspirations and innovation Publication, 01 April 2014