In pictures: a dialogue for action on mining in Ghana
Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) makes an important contribution to Ghana's economy. But how can the sector address its many problems? This photo gallery documents the lively conversations about a future for Ghanaian ASM at an "action dialogue" organised by IIED and partners.

Women from a mining community talk with Amina Tahiru, a member of the Learning and Leadership Group (Photo: Gabriella Flores)
Approximately 1.1 million Ghanaians directly participate in ASM (subscription required), while a further 4.4 million are considered to be dependent. But despite efforts at regulation and reform, a wide range of problems still affect the sector.
IIED and the Ghanaian NGO Friends of the Nation (FoN) brought together some 60 ASM stakeholders in the mining district of Tarkwa in south-west Ghana to explore how best to improve ASM and make it a safer, more responsible sector.
Participants visited several mining sites to speak with miners and local communities, before gathering for a research-based dialogue. The meeting also saw the formation of a Learning and Leadership Group, which will take the discussions forward and guide a process of participatory reform for the ASM sector in Ghana.
The photos from the event illustrate the lively exchanges and the energy and commitment which people brought to the event.