Mineral exploration goes unchecked as demand escalates
Insight, 16 February 2022
Abbi Buxton’s expertise is in the large-scale and artisanal and small-scale mining sectors. Her action research and engagement work focuses on increasing local voice and understanding of realities and priorities in global value chains, large-scale land based investments and international policy spaces.
Abbi has in-depth knowledge and understanding of sustainable development challenges and processes in the mining sector – primarily in Africa. Her current work includes the looking at the roles and responsibilities of artisanal miners in global value chains, strengthening local voice in policy engagement and influence, re-examining models of mineral governance and market development (including formalisation), exploring competing land uses, and understanding gender relations and roles.
She has extensive experience managing cross-country teams, working with in-country partners, overseeing implementation of in-country dialogues and research, managing stakeholder relations, global network development, and informing national and global processes based on local evidence and research.
Informal actors in formal markets; artisanal and small-scale mining; consultation and participation in large-scale mining; mineral governance; mineral and metal value chains.