Introduction to community-based adaptation to climate change
Poor and vulnerable people are particularly affected by climate change impacts, such as floods, droughts and other extreme weather events. For decades, IIED has worked to help share knowledge developed by local communities, academics and project managers so that communities can better cope with climate change.
IIED's work in this area can broadly be broken down into two (often overlapping) areas:
- Empowering communities to adapt to climate change, including through action research and the annual International Conferences on Community-Based Adaptation (CBA), and
- Advocacy, training and capacity building work to learn and share lessons on effective ways to adapt to climate change in the global South.
IIED also launched the Global Initiative on Community-Based Adaptation (GICBA) initiative in 2010 to allow collaboration between organisations and individuals working on community-based adaptation to climate change. This was reinvigorated in 2015 on the WeADAPT website.
Journal article
Ecosystem- and community-based adaptation: learning from community-based natural resource management (May 2015), Hannah Reid, Taylor and Francis