Joel Mark Baysa Barredo Executive director at Strengthening Human Rights and Peace Research and Education in ASEAN/Southeast Asia Program (SHAPE-SEA)
Yared Abera Yared Abera is a Global Youth Climate Leader and founder and director of The Youth Print, an Ethiopian youth-led civil society organisation creating innovative youth projects to support the Sustainable Development Goals.
Achala Abeysinghe Achala C Abeysinghe was principal researcher in IIED's Climate Change research group, and head of its global climate law, policy and governance programme, until July 2019
Raashee Abhilashi Raashee Abhilashi is national coordinator for IIED’s 'Enhancing climate resilience impacts of India’s social protection' programme
Jean-Paul Adam Director for Technology, Climate Change and Natural Resources Management, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)
Rachel Ajambo Rachel Ajambo is a seasoned agribusiness expert and the Kilimo Trust’s country team leader for Uganda, based in Kampala.
Mao Amis Mao Amis is the founder and executive director of the African Centre for Green Economy (AfriCGE)
Molly Anderson William R. Kenan Jr. Professor of Food Studies at Middlebury College in Middlebury, Vermont, USA and a member of the International Panel of Experts in Sustainable Food Systems
Stephanie Andrei Stephanie Andrei is a visiting researcher and coordinator at the International Centre for Climate Change and Adaptation (ICCCAD)
Isabelle Anguelovski Urban planner specialising in urban environmental justice at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Illari Aragon Illari Aragon was a senior researcher in IIED's Climate Change research group until May 2023
Fatima Athoumani Fatima Athoumani is a project manager at the Environment and Forestry Directorate-General, part of the Ministry of Production and Environment of the Union of the Comoros
Aditya V Bahadur Aditya Bahadur was a principal researcher in IIED's Human Settlements research group until March 2024
Mike Barry Mike Barry is director of Mikebarryeco Ltd. He was architect of Marks & Spencer’s Plan A.
Emilie Beauchamp Emilie Beauchamp was a senior researcher in IIED's Strategy and Learning Group until June 2022