The Tuggoz Declaration on Climate Change and Mountain Indigenous Peoples
Second International Learning Exchange on Climate Change and Biocultural Heritage, Tajikistan, 11–18 September 2015
We, over 50 indigenous peoples and traditional farmers representing 21 communities in 10 countries,together with civil society and research organisations, gathered in the communities of Jafr and Tuggoz in Tajikistan from 11 to 18 September 2015, in order to analyse the impacts of recent climatic changes on Mother Earth and on our food and farming systems, and to develop responses to this crisis.
We are happy to announce that we have established an International Network of Biocultural Heritage Territories for in-situ conservation and holistic adaptation to climate change. The network will ensure the continued evolution and adaptation of our local crop varieties, livestock, wildlife and forests, and the protection of our rich cultural heritage, traditional knowledge and spiritual values which sustain and enhance this biodiversity. We have also established an International Network of Community Seed Banks, and a related farmers’ seed exchange programme, for insitu conservation and adaptation to climate change.
Biocultural heritage
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