Workshop Report: Advocacy Capacity Building and Media Training Workshop

The Uganda Poverty and Conservation Learning Group (U-PCLG) is implementing a three year project titled; “Research to Policy-Building Capacity for Conservation through Poverty Alleviation”. One of the project’s major aims is to build up the ability of U-PCLG to influence government policy in biodiversity conservation policy issues. The Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment (ACODE) together with the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) organised a two and a half day training workshop from 20th to 22nd February 2013, for the Uganda-Poverty and Conservation Learning Group members (U-PCLG) and journalists from various electronic and print media houses. The major objectives of the workshop were: - For the U-PCLG members to learn and acquire skills on how to become an effective policy advocacy network;~- For journalists to learn how to report on poverty and biodiversity conservation. The workshop started with updates on the research component of the project and then covered advocacy tools and approaches, theories of change, and reporting and writing. This publication is an output of the Poverty and Conservation Learning Group (PCLG), Uganda - Event Report
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