Linking Protected Area Conservation with Poverty Alleviation in Uganda: Integrated Conservation and Development at Bwindi National Park
Book (part) chapter
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Published: January 2013
Product code:G03691
Source publication:
National Parks: Sustainable Development, Conservation Strategies and Environmental Impacts (2013) Editor: Johnson B. Smith (Nova Science Publishers Inc., Hauppauge NY)
This chapter is part of an edited volume on sustainable development, conservation strategies and the environmental impacts of National Parks. It focuses on the conflicts that have arisen between people local to Bwindi National Park and the park authorities, the Integrated Conservation and Development (ICD) strategies that have been implemented, the challenges faced and lessons learned.
IIED is very grateful to Nova Publishers for giving permission to make this chapter available on our website.
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Baker, J., Bitariho, R., Gordon-Maclean, A., Kasoma, P., Roe, D., Sheil, D., twinamatsiko, M., Tumushabe, G., Heist, M. and Weiland, M.
Linking Protected Area Conservation with Poverty Alleviation in Uganda: Integrated Conservation and Development at Bwindi National Park.
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