Biocultural Adaptation in Mountain Communities: Third INMIP International Learning Exchange, Stone Village, China

Event/workshop report
, 35 pages
PDF (4.26 MB)
Published: October 2016
ISBN: 9781784314149
Product code:14669IIED

The International Network of Mountain Indigenous Peoples (INMIP) aims to support capacity development for climate change adaptation through community-to-community exchange of knowledge and innovations. It currently includes communities from 10 countries in Asia and Latin America. It is coordinated by ANDES (Peru), with support from IIED (through the SIFOR project – Smallholder Innovation for~Resilience).

ANDES (Peru), the Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy (China), IIED and UNDP-GEF Small Grants Programme worked together to organise the 3rd INMIP Learning Exchange in the Stone Village, China, on 18-23 May 2016. This report presents the results.

Find out more about our work on biocultural heritage at the website linked below.

Cite this publication

Reilly, J. and Swiderska, K. (2016). Biocultural Adaptation in Mountain Communities: Third INMIP International Learning Exchange, Stone Village, China. IIED, London.
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