Taxonomy of climate-attributable loss and damage and scalable responses related to DRR, health and human mobility Publication, 26 April 2024
Practical action to tackle loss and damage risks: ten guiding principles Publication, 03 October 2022
Still bearing the burden: how poor rural women in Bangladesh are paying most for climate risks Publication, 13 May 2022
Assessing vulnerabilities to disaster displacement: a good practice review Publication, 07 December 2021
Tackling loss and damage in countries vulnerable to the effect of the climate crisis: improving evidence and co-generating pathways to impact Active Project
Tips for Trainers : Communications maps - a participatory tool to understand communications patterns and relationships Publication, 01 December 2009
Monitoring and evaluating climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in Uganda: TAMD appraisal study Publication, 01 March 2015
Lessons from a transboundary water governance project in West Africa (PLA 60) Publication, 01 December 2009
Community-driven disaster intervention : Experiences of the Homeless People's Federation Philippines, Incorporated (HPFPI) Publication, 01 September 2010
Climate change, floods and homes: understanding location preferences in Indonesia Publication, 01 May 2015
Participatory three-dimensional mapping for disaster risk reduction (PLA 60) Publication, 01 December 2009