Post-2015 development framework: priorities for LDCs – coverage from Wilton Park
From January 29-31, Wilton Park hosted a conference enabling frank and open dialogue between those in the political process of setting 'sustainable development goals' and those in least developed countries (LDCs) who will need to implement the goals. Read what happened here.

IIED has set out its vision for the goals and its efforts to shape them, and IIED staff provided live coverage of the conference on Twitter via @IIED and on this page.
- Read a round-up of the coverage from day one of the conference
- Read a round-up of the coverage from day two of the conference
- Read a round-up of the coverage from day three of the conference
Watch a series of interviews with conference participants below:
The meeting was organised by IIED and the UN Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (OHRLLS).
It brought together politicians, diplomats, civil servants and representatives of UN agencies, research institutions and non-governmental organisations to explore how the needs of the LDCs can be put at the heart of the post-2015 development agenda. The delegates included members of the LDC Independent Expert Group, which published a new position paper to coincide with the meeting.
In advance of the conference, IIED warned that the new SDGs for nations to adopt in 2015 could deepen problems in the poorest nationsif they fail to take account of these nations' priorities and the international nature of the challenges they face.
Download the conference papers:
- Transforming global development: An LDC perspective on the post-2015 agenda
- Convergence and contention: The Least Developed Countries in post-2015 debates
Read more about IIED's work on the post-2015 'sustainable development goals'
Our work on the Sustainable Development Goals
IIED is supporting and working with one group and one alliance of sustainable think tanks to influence thinking and provide expert analysis on the post-2015 agenda.
Least Developed Country Independent Expert Group
The Least Developed Country Independent Expert Group aims to provide ideas and challenges that support a more ambitious, effective and fair global set of goals for environmental sustainability and human development.
IIED is part of an international alliance of sustainable development think tanks which have joined forces to provide expert analysis over the next two years to inform the on-going international policy processes that will shape the ‘post-2015’ development agenda. The group will also address the challenge of implementation in specific countries, assessing how global goals can be translated into concrete action on the ground.