The contribution of cities to local and planetary health - equity, ecosystem services and nature 27 April 2022
Rethinking the roles of the state and communities in urban housing and land use management II 09 October 2020
Situational Analysis Report (Sri Lanka): Livelihoods Insurance from Elephants (LIFE) in Kenya and Sri Lanka 01 July 2019
Solving ‘wicked’ problems: can social learning catalyse adaptive responses to climate change? A compendium of case studies 01 March 2017
Eighth international conference on community-based adaptation: Financing local adaptation Kathmandu, Nepal 01 April 2014
Hivos Provocation Insights 5: Pro-poor business, development and smallholder empowerment 01 August 2011
IIED/Hivos Provocation Insights 2: Rights-based versus marketbased development: a false dichotomy for small-scale farmers? 01 March 2011