Ruth Pinto

Researcher, Natural Resources

Ruth works across IIED's Natural Resources and Shaping Sustainable Markets research groups, and focuses her research on the justice dimensions of biodiversity conservation and natural resource governance. 

Ruth has experience working on these issues in countries in Asia, Europe, Africa and the Caribbean.


Political ecology; natural resource governance; environmental struggles; rights-based approaches; environmental justice; just transformations; participatory research methodologies; monitoring, learning and evaluation.

Before IIED

Prior to joining IIED, Ruth worked in research, project management and strategic communication roles at NGOs and research organisations including the Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment, Foundation for Ecological Security and Keystone Foundation.


  • PhD in development studies: politics of development and environmental justice, University of East Anglia and University of Copenhagen 
  • MSc in environmental sciences, policy and management, Central European University, Lund University and University of Manchester
  • BA in sociology, St. Xavier’s College, University of Mumbai

Current work

At IIED, Ruth works on environmental justice and rights-based approaches to biodiversity conservation and natural resource governance.