National Consultative Dialogue - LeAP: Learning and Action Platform for Community Engagement Against Illegal Wildlife Trade

Illegal Wildlife trade has rapidly increased in recent years and threatens the survival of many important species as well as impacting the livelihoods of communities that live alongside them. Engagement of these local communities is therefore essential for creating effective strategies to tackle the issue. However, there is currently a lack of knowledge on the different types of community approaches, leading to policies that don’t reflect local priorities.
The LeAP project is as three year project (2018-2021), designed to develop and share best practices for involving local communities in tackling wildlife crime by increasing the evidence base for successful approaches.
This document reports on a two day National Stakeholder Consultative dialogue workshop held in March 2020 in Lusaka, Zambia as part of the project. The workshop’s main obejctives were: (1) to understand current approaches to tackling IWT in Zambia and local community perspectives of these; (2) to understand the extent to which community engagement has or has not been integrated into Zambia’s approach, and; (3) to explore options and opportunities to enhance community engagement in future.
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