Urban ARK 24: Reducing future risk in the city: an agenda for integrated risk management

Briefings (non-specific)
, 4 pages
PDF (308.92 KB)
Published: January 2019
Product code:G04392

In African cities, orienting risk management towards a developmental agenda can confront the root causes of poverty and risk. Transition to an integrated approach has the most chance of success when it combines interventions working on the risk culture of a city, which include planning and specific sectorial and local decision-making processes. Risk cultures that prioritise and combine integrated poverty reduction and risk management with examples of successful outcomes of decision making at sectorial and practical levels can be effective and make backsliding more difficult.

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Pelling, M. (2019). Urban ARK 24: Reducing future risk in the city: an agenda for integrated risk management. .
Available at https://www.iied.org/g04392