Urban ARK 24: Reducing future risk in the city: an agenda for integrated risk management 01 January 2019
A spectrum of methods for a spectrum of risk: Generating evidence to understand and reduce urban risk in Sub-Saharan Africa 01 December 2018
Urban ARK 19: Communicating Risk from the Frontline: projecting community voices into disaster risk management policies across scales 01 October 2018
Urban ARK 18: Supporting community-led research on risks and creating policy platforms to enhance Nairobi’s governance for resilience 01 October 2018
Urban ARK 9: Inserting rights and justice into urban resilience: a focus on everyday risk in cities in the South 01 May 2018
Urban ARK 4: Small disasters erode household resilience: the absorptive capacity of flood-prone households in Niamey, Niger 01 January 2017
Community-driven disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in urban areas 01 October 2011
Adapting to climate change in urban areas: the possibilities and constraints in low and middle income nations 01 October 2007