Urban ARK 3: Understanding everyday and disaster risks in Karonga Town, Malawi
The inhabitants of Karonga Town in Malawi are at risk from major disasters, such as flooding, earthquakes and droughts. They are also at risk from everyday hazards–whose impacts are too small to be classified as a disaster. These include poor quality water and sanitation (and diarrhoeal diseases and cholera), malaria, traffic accidents, drowning, animal attacks, and politically linked violence. This research has sought to identify the full spectrum of risks facing the inhabitants of Karonga, and these have been identified by Karonga residents as resulting in premature death or injury and/or affecting their livelihoods and assets. Full knowledge of the risks – their nature, scale, and physical location –highlights where risk reduction is needed and possible – for large disasters, for small disasters, and for everyday hazards.
This brief is based on the paper: Mtafu Manda and Elijah Wanda (2017), Understanding the nature and scale of risks in Karonga Town, Malawi. Environment and Urbanization Vol. 29, No. 1 (April 2017) http://journals.sagepub.com/home/eau
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