Payment formats for REDD+ interventions: Preferences and concerns in Aowin District, Ghana

Poverty and sustainable development impacts of REDD architecture is a multi-country project led by the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED, UK) and the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Aas, Norway). The project aims to increase understanding of how different options for REDD+ design and policy at international, national and sub-national level will affect achievement of greenhouse gas emission reduction and co-benefits of sustainable development and poverty reduction.
Ghana is in the process of getting ready to implement REDD+ interventions. REDD+ is envisaged to work by compensating communities for avoided deforestation. Therefore, an understanding of communities’ preferences for compensation is important to work out compensation packages that are meaningful for the community and that will enhance their livelihoods and contribute positively to their socio-economic and political conditions of existence.
This report presents the findings of a study undertaken to understand the types of compensation the community members aspire to, in return for avoiding deforestation and refraining from livelihood activities that could potentially lead to forest degradation, as well as for undertaking other positive mitigation activities.
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