Overview of Human-Wildlife Conflict in Cameroon
PCLG Discussion Paper number 5, presents an overview of human wildlife conflict (HWC) in Cameroon. The paper shows that these conflicts are widespread in both the savannah and the forest zones of Cameroon. Due to a very weak legal framework and poor institutional interactions, communities have taken protection of crops and livestock into their own hands. The tools used by communities are not sustainable and need to be complemented by effective policy, including enhancing the legal framework and putting in place appropriate land use planning approaches. Failure to do this will increase HWC, especially at the boundaries of protected areas, where communities do not receive sufficient conservation incentives from ecotourism or other interventions. Infrastructure development could increased the competition for limited land resources and thus escalate the situation. To solve these problems related to HWC, authorities have to reflect on various prevention, mitigation and compensation mechanisms. The current revision of the forestry code is a good opportunity to address these crucial issues. This publication is an output of the Poverty and Conservation Learning Group (PCLG), Cameroon - Discussion Paper, number 5
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