Prajateerpu: a citizens jury/scenario workshop on food and farming futures for Andhra Pradesh
Journal (part) article
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Published: July 2002
Product code:G02574
Source publication:
Economic and Political Weekly 37 (27), July 6, 2002
Prajateerpu - the ‘citizens jury’ on food and farming futures in Andhra Pradesh - was a six-day exercise in deliberative democracy involving marginal-livelihood citizens from all three regions of the state. It took place at the Government of India’s Farmer Liaison Centre (Krishi Vigyan Kendra - KVK) in Algole Village, Zaheerabad Taluk, Medak District, Andhra Pradesh, from June 25 to July 1, 2001.
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Pimbert, M. and Wakeford, T.
Prajateerpu: a citizens jury/scenario workshop on food and farming futures for Andhra Pradesh.
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