PLA Notes CD-ROM 1988-2001 4 Participatory farmer selection for green manure

Document begins: PLA Notes CD-ROM 19882001 4 Participatory farmer selection for green manure Alsen Oduwo · Introduction participatory projects to be implemented in a sustained manner. Community Mobilisation Against Village selection Desertification (C-MAD) is a non- governmental organisation which formed to support small scale farmers improve natural Projects clearly state their intentions to work resource management and reduce rural with resource poor people. However, in practice poverty. The organisation works in lower they often work with farmers who are closer to potential South Nyanza, Kenya. This is a 2500 the research station, farmers who are easily km. sq. stretch of land, characterised by low and accessed by road, and those who have done well unreliable rainfall. Soil infertility limits land in agriculture. Little attention is paid to those in productivity in this area, producing low crop remote areas who cultivate under difficult yields. Thus, C-MAD has promoted the use of physical and environmental conditions. In this various natural methods of soil management project, villages were selected on the basis that including composting to increase soil fertility. either KARI or C-MAD had on-going activities with farmers in them. Thus, we accept a project Beginning in 1994, C-MAD and the Kenya bias ...
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