Frontrunner cities: connecting climate action and social justice

Exploring how climate action can contribute to transformative outcomes in cities in the majority world, showcasing examples from Brazil, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras and Sierra Leone

Looking at initiatives from cities in Brazil, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador,  El Salvador, Honduras and Sierra Leone, this series sets out the multiple benefits of low-carbon urban strategies to inspire more sustainable and just urban development pathways.

The impact of climate change falls heavily on marginalised urban communities; this series demonstrates that cities, in particular low-income settlements, are legitimate sites for climate interventions – not only adaptation but decarbonisation too.

Decentralised resources and decision making are identified as key ingredients for achieving social justice and tackling climate change.

The participation of local communities, inclusion of local knowledge and data, and co-produced solutions all contribute to the development of more equitable climate action in cities.

Frontrunner cities forms part of the Transformative Urban Coalitions (TUC) project, funded by Germany's Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action.