Archive of completed 'Global ambition for climate action and justice' projects
Through compelling evidence and by supporting capacity building in vulnerable developing countries, IIED works to keep the world below a 1.5°C rise in global temperatures. This archive page links to past projects aimed at strengthening global climate ambition.

Arid landscape in the Mount Kenya region (Photo: copyright 2010CIAT/NeilPalmer via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0)
IIED's Stepping up global ambition for climate action and justice programme of work supports least developed countries (LDCs) and other vulnerable developing nations to achieve equitable and ambitious outcomes in global climate decision making. Below are links to our completed projects.
Building the capacity of LDCs to engage in the UNFCCC negotiations
This project aimed at strengthening the capabilities of the Least Developed Countries (LDC) Group in the UN climate talks through participating in training workshops and strategy meetings, informing the negotiations through research and developing toolkits for new delegates.
IIED also contributed to enhancing the knowledge, skills and confidence of LDC delegates to further increase their engagement in a fast-moving UNFCCC process.
Helping parliamentarians drive national climate change policy
Linking global to local is a crucial approach to tackling climate change. This project built the capacity of members of parliament to break the international stalemate on climate change action by ‘domesticating’ global decisions, using national legislation.
Helping parliaments across the Southern African Customs Union region address climate change
IIED and partners helped boost the capacity of members of parliament in the Southern African Customs Union to engage effectively with climate change. Following the programme, MPs and clerks developed a formal proposal to establish a climate change committee to address climate change issues.
This paper looks at how parliamentarians’ can boost their capacity to engage effectively with climate change in Southern Africa.
Developing Myanmar’s national climate change policy
During 2016 and 2017, IIED supported the Myanmar government to develop an overarching national climate change policy to integrate climate change into national priorities and planning, and provide a long-term vision for the country's sustainable development.
The outcome provided a long-term vision for equitable socioeconomic development and strategic direction for climate action, that acknowledged Myanmar's commitment to implementing the Paris Agreement.