PLA 50: Critical reflections, future directions

Journal (whole)
, 112 pages
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Published: October 2004
ISBN: 9781843695264
Product code:9440IIED

This special edition celebrates the 50th of Participatory Learning and Action series.

In this issue previous editors and authors pool their experience to give an up-to-date picture of developments in participatory approaches in their particular fields. Their articles look at areas such as education and literacy, health and sexual reproductive health, natural resource management, agriculture, urban issues, children's participation, advocacy and rights, local government and deliberative democracy, gender, PM&E, communications, critical analysis, scaling up and institutionalising, and participation in the North.

As the scope and use of participatory approach becomes more popular and widespread, this publication provides a timely and challenging critique and looks ahead to ask: what next for participation?

The issue also includes extended Tips for Trainers, In Touch, E-participation and RCPLA Pages sections, as well as general articles.

Cite this publication

Chambers, R. (eds), Kenton, N. (eds) and Ashley, H. (eds) (2004). PLA 50: Critical reflections, future directions. .
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