PLA Notes 30: Participation and Fishing Communities

Journal (whole)
, 92 pages
PDF (1.71 MB)
Published: October 1997
ISBN: 9781843692744
Product code:6129IIED

This edition includes general articles as well as a special theme section on the use of participatory approaches with fishing communities.

The theme section examines how participatory approaches can be used to tackle the challenges of small-scale fisheries development, and covers fisheries development efforts aimed at a spectrum of objectives ranging from co-management for sustainable fish stocks to improving the welfare of fishing communities. The authors show how participatory approaches have been used to understand the resource, manage fisheries and plan for development.

This edition includes:

A report on how scientific tools and PRA were combined to assess pollution from tannery in Tamil Nadu.

An account of the Swiss Agency for Development and Co-operation's Small Industries Promotion Programme in Nepal.

A paper on visualisation as a platform for entry into dialogue with farmers.

A report on an exercise to review a sanitation and hygiene programme in Southern Niger.

A overview of the theme section and a brief history of policy as regards fisheries development.

11 articles on participatory work with fishing communities in countries around the world. 

A general review of PLA and the need for sensitivity to local conditions.

A brief guide to using exercises and games to enhance group dynamics.

Tips for Trainers: The buses game.

Cite this publication

Sarch, M. (eds) (1997). PLA Notes 30: Participation and Fishing Communities. .
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