PLA Notes 29: Performance and Participation

This edition includes general articles and a theme section looking at the use of performative media in participatory development This issue includes:
An article examining PRA in terms of transaction analysis.
A paper advocating the use of PRA for the evaluation of organisations.
An account of how PRA techniques were used to improve understanding of small farmers in Tripura, India.

A review of the effectiveness of agricultural research on farmers' farms.
An introduction to performance and participation.
Seven articles on Theatre for Development techniques
A paper outlining a range of creative tools available for in PRA.
A paper on using drawing and role plays for encouraging discussion in Vietnam and Cambodia.
Three articles on the use of video for facilitating dialogue.

An article on using drama as a three dimensional representation of dilemmas.
A paper on PRA and theatre for development in Southern India.
An article comparing drama techniques and visualisation techniques.
A paper on the facilitator's body language.
A paper on using Boal's Theatre of the Oppressed techniques.
A report on problems in organising a community self-survey in Tanzania
A brief guide to group dynamics and team building
Tips for Trainers: Using drama in PRA training
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