PLA Notes 23 Section on Participatory Approaches to HIV/AIDS Programmes

Journal (whole)
, 92 pages
PDF (1.31 MB)
Published: June 1995
ISBN: 9781843692676
Product code:6092IIED

This issue has ten general articles and four papers which describe issues relating to participatory approaches to HIV and AIDS programmes. It shows how the use of PRA can help people to feel empowered to address the issues around HIV. It includes:

A paper on participatory planning in a rural community in Belize.

A note looking at how force-field analysis was used in a non-formal education project in Bangladesh and an urban environmental project in India.

A paper outlining how a participatory approach was used to understand land and resource use conflict between three groups in Tanzania's Rift Valley.

An article describing how PRA methods were used in rural Zambia to enable communities to prioritise their district feeder road networks.

A paper describing preparing a village resource management plan in Sri Lanka.

An article on using PRA to plan forestry activities in four rural communities in the Highlands of Scotland.

A paper on ActionAid work in Vietnam on poverty identification, and the programme interventions which have been designed in response.

A short paper on experiences from a PRA training of NGO field staff in Nepal.

An article about storytelling during a PRA training course in Cameroon.

A paper outlining the REFLECT method, an approach to adult literacy techniques developed by ActionAid.

A paper discussing how the Rakai AIDS Information Network in Uganda used PRA to help people identify and analyse factors putting them at risk of HIV.

An article outlining how PRA methods were successfully used to promote AIDS awareness in Thailand.

An article describing how participatory educational theatre projects were used for HIV/AIDS awareness in Kenya

A paper describing using PRA on AIDS to mobilise Kenyan communities against HIV.

Tips for Trainers: a paper on Leadership circles.

Cite this publication

Welbourn, A. (eds) (1995). PLA Notes 23 Section on Participatory Approaches to HIV/AIDS Programmes. .
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