RRA Notes 13: Proceedings of the February 1991 Bangalore PRA Trainers Workshop
This special issue of RRA Notes reports on a three-day PRA Trainers Workshop. The workshop was organised by MYRADA, an Bangalore-based NGO. It was attended by 35 PRA trainers, representing 18 different institutions. This issue includes the following items:
A report on an approach, called PALM, which was developed by MYRADA in its work in 2,000 villages in South India, and an article on MYRADA's experiences.
An article explaining the Participatory Rural Appraisal and Planning approach used by the Aga Khan Rural Support Project (AKRSP) in Indian villages.
A report on the AKRSP Rural Support Project, and the role of farmers as facilitators and analysts.
A detailed account of a five day training course in PRA for NGO staff working on a project in West Bengal.
A report on a three day workshop on PRA conducted by the NGO SPEECH in Tamil Nadu.
An article about a five day training in PRA for officers on a Government watershed programme in Andhra Pradesh, India.
A paper describing a PRA training exercise at Mahilong, Bihar, run by the NGO Krishi Gram Vikas Kendra (KGVK).
A brief report on a wealth ranking exercise in Mahilong, Bihar.
A paper about the lessons learned by the Hope International Development Agency (HIDA) Social Forestry Program in Andrah Pradesh.
A report on participatory impact monitoring of a soil and water conservation programme by farmers, extension volunteers and AKRSP.
A brief discussion of ActionAid's experience of PRA.
The final paper reports on MYRADA Kamasamudram project which aimed to plan a micro watershed in a participatory way.
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