Promoting accuracy in GHG inventories through use of higher-tier methods: a practical guide for LDCs and other developing countries
A core requirement of the Paris Agreement is for countries to report on their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the action they will take to reduce them. Equipped with more accurate emission inventories, countries can make informed decisions around how to reduce their emissions, including which sectors to focus on.
This new toolkit supports decision makers and inventory compilers from least developed countries and other developing countries to prepare accurate GHG inventories based on their country’s capabilities, constraints and priorities. This user-friendly guide unpacks the relevant Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change guidelines and United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change decisions.
It sets out the main principles, includes exercises to support decision making and explains tricky terminology. It includes case studies from Chile, Colombia and South Africa highlighting their journey and the decision-making processes that enabled them to improve the accuracy of their national inventories.
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