Solid Waste Management and Risks to Health in Urban Africa: A Study of Nairobi and Mombasa Cities in Kenya

This report documents household characteristics, solid waste management (SWM) and the associated risks to health in two cities in Kenya. The study was conducted in the communities of Korogocho/Dandora, Saika and Makadara in Nairobi, and Bamburi and Kisauni in Mombasa. Korogocho/Dandora are slum and low income locations primarily bordering the main municipal dumpsite (Dandora); Saika is located farther from the dumpsite but exposed to SWM-related secondary hazards such as pollution and ooding; Makadara is a non-slum comparison study site. In Mombasa, the study sites were Mwakirunge in Bamburi location that is the proximal community to the city’s dumpsite, and Bombolulu, a non-slum settlement in Kisauni location, which is prone to flooding.
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