A fair climate deal in Paris means adequate finance to deliver INDCs in LDCs

The 48 nations that make up the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) are proving to be among the most determined, committed and proactive on climate change.
Almost all the LDCs have outlined how they plan to contribute to post-2020 global climate action — through Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) — ahead of the 2015 global climate summit in Paris.
These contributions reflect the LDCs’ commitment to an ambitious transformative shift to low-carbon, climate-resilient economies. The cost for all LDCs to implement these post-2020 plans is estimated to be around US$93.7 billion each year — less than the ‘new and additional’ US$100 billion promised to all developing countries under the 2010 Cancun Agreements. However, less than a third of available climate finance reaches the LDCs.
A fair and effective deal in Paris should prioritise the investment of international public climate finance in the LDCs' implementation of their INDCs, while agreeing measures to help better-off developing countries to attract private climate finance.
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