Monitoring and evaluating climate adaptation: a review of GCCA experience

IIED Briefing
, 4 pages
PDF (160.42 KB)
Published: September 2014
Series: IIED Briefing Papers
Product code:17253IIED

Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of adaptation to climate change is~essential but is a young discipline, as yet with no universally agreed standards or practices for measuring how well an intervention reduces peoples’ climate vulnerability. However, several multi-country programmes are focusing on supporting adaptation activities in developing countries, and these programmes provide a good opportunity to see how M&E is taking place and to share the lessons. This briefing reports recommendations from a review of the European Union’s Global Climate Change Alliance(GCCA)~initiative. The review examined how M&E is being undertaken within the GCCA programmes, and how M&E may contribute to national or regional evaluations of climate change adaptation.

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Smith, B., Cuccillato, E. and Anderson, S. (2014). Monitoring and evaluating climate adaptation: a review of GCCA experience. .
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