Sustainability standards in China-Latin America trade and investment: A discussion

Issue paper
PDF (1002.52 KB)
简体中文, English
Published: May 2013
ISBN: 9781843699385
Product code:16544IIED

Trade and investment between China and Latin America has increased at unprecedented rates in recent years. This brings with it new challenges and opportunities for collective sustainability efforts.

This discussion paper summarises initial evidence on the growing trade and investment between China and Latin America in mining, forestry and agriculture, with a particular focus on Chile, Peru and Brazil. It explores the use and impact of sustainability standards, both international and national – for example, Forest Stewardship Council certification and China’s national forestry certification scheme.

After analysing the drivers and governance factors shaping the design and uptake of standards, it identifies several important questions for future research, in this under-researched but important topic for sustainability.

This publication forms part of IIED’s work to identify pathways towards inclusive and responsible mining.

Follow the link to the project information below for more information on Shaping Sustainable Markets.

Cite this publication

Blackmore, E., Li, D. and Casallas, S. (2013). Sustainability standards in China-Latin America trade and investment: A discussion. .
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