Rethinking the roles of the state and communities in urban housing and land-use management

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Published: April 2020
Product code:10886IIED

This is the first of two special issues dedicated to urban housing and land-use management. Many of the papers are concerned with informal housing, including incrementally constructed homes, upgrading of informal settlements, informal land investments, and unconventional sources of housing finance. The papers also explore competing interests in land, including local governments, national governments, social movements, real estate investors and owners, property developers, and local residents. The housing and land papers span cities in South Africa, Tanzania, Turkey, Rwanda, Ethiopia and Namibia.

The Climate Change in Cities paper explores resilience to climate hazards in smaller cities of the Amazon. The feedback papers are varied, analysing the most common risks in Ibadan, Nigeria; hospital records for understanding environmental health in Karonga, Malawi; water security in three cities of the Americas; and understanding and assessing urban extreme poverty.

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(2020). Rethinking the roles of the state and communities in urban housing and land-use management. .
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