Urbanization and Development: Policy lessons from the BRICS experience

Discussion paper
, 25 pages
PDF (564.33 KB)
Published: December 2012
ISBN: 9781843698982
Product code:10622IIED

Urbanization and urban growth are intricately intertwined with economic growth — and the BRICS are no exception. The BRICS’ vastly different individual experiences of ‘urban transition’ offer inspiring examples of how to seize urbanization’s opportunities, but also lessons on the pitfalls and problems
inappropriate policies can bring.
This Discussion Paper is part of a collaborative review of ‘Urbanization in the BRICS’ by IIED and UNFPA. The review aims to gauge urbanization’s role in the development efforts of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa and to identify the key policy implications for other developing countries.

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McGranahan, G. and Martine, G. (2012). Urbanization and Development: Policy lessons from the BRICS experience. .
Available at https://www.iied.org/10622iied