TAMD Addis Ababa Feb 23-26, 2015 Workshop Report

From February 23rd to February 26th 2015 participants from more than ten countries gathered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to take part in the final workshop for the Tracking Adaptation and Measuring Development (TAMD) initiative.
TAMD’s conceptual development began in 2011 as an evaluative framework for assessing the effectiveness of adaptation and adaptation-relevant interventions in order to strengthen governance and planning in developing countries. Since then, TAMD has been piloted in 8 countries across Africa and Asia – Cambodia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Nepal, Pakistan, Tanzania and Uganda – generating a substantial body of evidence on how to conduct adaptation M&E in a variety of different contexts.
This final workshop in Addis Ababa provided an opportunity for those who have been involved in TAMD over the past three years to come together and share their lessons from the TAMD pilot phase. The workshop brought together research partners from each of the eight TAMD pilot countries, government officials, multilateral institutions and development partners to take part in the discussions.
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