Strengthening frameworks to monitor and evaluate climate adaptation in Uganda

IIED Briefing
, 4 pages
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Published: April 2015
Series: IIED Briefing Papers
Product code:17287IIED

Uganda’s reliance on natural resources renders its economy extremely vulnerable to climate change. This makes it essential to track progress on adaptation initiatives and ensure the whole country is on a path towards climate resilience. This briefing examines monitoring and evaluation (M&E) frameworks currently used by the government of Uganda and considers how~they could be strengthened to provide evidence on climate change adaptation, and to measure the impacts of national and sectoral policies. It presents the findings of detailed research by IIED and the Africa Climate Change Resilience~Alliance (ACCRA) to develop indicators that could be applied at district level consistently throughout the country, supported by a simple data collection system. These indicators could provide climate-relevant data for M&E frameworks at national and sectoral levels and could also be integrated into local government performance assessment and reporting tools.

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Karani, I., Kajumba, T., Fisher, S. and Ochieng, R. (2015). Strengthening frameworks to monitor and evaluate climate adaptation in Uganda. IIED, London.
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